Fat Burners


Truth is I never used to like the idea of fat burners and considered my moderate  daily diet and exercise would always get me by . And then over the past few years I really started to notice an increased difficulty to keep my body fat percentage low regardless of maintaining my food and fitness regime 

(Age gets the best of us all at some point I guess)

I decided it was time to look for some support in burning stubborn fat, that seemed to be accumulating and sticking around regardless of my efforts.

I started experimenting with fat burner powders and tablets that promised the world I was both nervous and excited for the possibilities.

I have always been relatively sensitive to any sort of stimulant and found that all the products that I trialed sent my heart rate racing made me nauseous and then resulted in complete come down and crash at the other end.

My options were , to take it in the morning and be exhausted and nap ready by midday Or take it in the evening and forget about sleeping completely that night. Neither of which were appealing options or conducive to my overall health goal. I had all but given up on fat burning products until I came across Beauty fit and their incredible product range focused towards women’s health and well-being. 

when I started trialing their products one by one I was amazed at how my body responded so well .

So naturally I was excited to hear they had products specifically targeted for women's fat burning goals

Beauty Fuel!
I dived into that bottle and never looked back ! 

Now it is part of my daily routine to take two tablets to start my day I get a comfortable thermogenic effect so I can feel that it’s working without any irritating stimulant or pounding heart rate.

I have a slight increase in energy that helps me get through my day Minus the intolerable crash.

It doesn’t disrupt my sleep and the ingredients are safe and don’t Cause undue stress on my body . 

I personally Maintain a high calorie diet to complement my training goals and love the way this product allows me to eat in a calorie surplus without holding on to extra unnecessary fat.

  • Beauty Fuel is NOT a magic pill, but a safe and effective compliment to my nutrition and training regime.

I don’t believe that there is any Singular product on the market that will deliver all your hopes and dreams like a genie in a bottle. But rather a range of reliable and safe products to compliment your lifestyle with healthy eating and regular exercise. I always test products before recommending them on so I can be confident that others will reap the same Benefits I do .

Because at the end of the day I hope we all do well I hope we all stay healthy and feel and look our best. 

Thank you BeautyfIT® 

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